mioSuite project started (maybe!) in my mind the first time I saw Japanese anime, in Italy, with
my Mom, my brother and my sister, when I was six years old.
Later in my life, my friend Sandro bought a book of Japanese grammar, and we started to think that learning Japanese language was really possible! I began to use some software on the PC to help my studies... eventually I bought a Palm M105 and found Dokusha, that is a great and very useful program. Last summer I've been to Japan: the kindness of the people and thousands of small details, that make this country so different from our western world, left something big inside of me. At last, it was love! Two months ago, I put my hands on a Sharp Zaurus, and immediately decided that it was time to write something useful for other people... and mioReaderLite was born! This project wouldn't have been possible without the great work that Prof. J.W.Breen, of Monash University, has done during the last years. He also allowed programmers of free Japanese software to use his dictionaries. I also have to thank Tim Matheson, for his wonderful Japanese lessons and Norbert Siepenkötter for his kanji software, KanjiNirvana. |